Concealing ourselves, our weaknesses, is not a new phenomenon. It’s a very ordinary human response to the threat of vulnerability, being seen. Yet we never feel fully covered by our own efforts, and there’s a sense that at any moment, people will see that we are an “imposter”. Even more, we have a Creator God who is unseen yet knows us better than we know ourselves. What great comfort it is to know that He loves us deeply and desires a relationship with us! Throughout Jacob’s life, he longed for acceptance. He started out with trickery, which did not get him the acceptance he desired. Deceiving his father Issac by concealing himself to receive the firstborn blessing only yielded broken relationships and no security. On the run and penniless, Jacob encountered God, who gradually opened his eyes to the security and love He offered. That love is offered to us, too, thanks to the sacrifice of Jesus Christ on the cross.
Read Genesis 25:19-36:43.
Spend some time processing what you have learned with your Life Group/Discipler/CLASSES@FGA study group.
In the life of Jacob, we see someone yearning for acceptance and love. Denied by his father and fleeing his brother’s vengeance, Jacob next looked for love in his relationship with Rachel. This was another disappointment, as his family life reflected more sibling rivalry and unmet expectations. All along the way, though, God was calling him: first in the vision He gave Jacob when He promised His presence and extended the promises first given to Abraham, then in his encounter with the man with whom he wrestled until daybreak. The relationship that would truly meet the needs of Jacob’s heart was one with God. Just as He does with us, God called Jacob, through life circumstances and clear messages, into an intimate relationship with Him. Meanwhile, we also see God work in Jacob’s unloved wife Leah’s heart, showing her His love for her. All the characters in this saga were deeply flawed and yet loved by the Lord. What comfort it is to know that God loves us in our brokenness, and we need not fear exposure, because we are fully known and fully loved.
Take time to respond to these closing questions:
End the time by praying…
Pray for a heart that can rest securely in the Lord and in the knowledge of His deep love.
Pray that my relationships will be blessed by a deep security in the Lord, that I will not strive for the acceptance of others but pour out love that has been freely given to me by God.
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