What E1R1 looks like

What if all God requires of us is for each one of us to reach one life at a time? One family member, one friend, one colleague. To love them, serve them, cheer them on and in time, lead them to follow Jesus. Our heart is for everyone to walk with the Lord this year, to encounter Him more, to grow into His likeness, and to reach out and walk alongside someone else on their faith journey.

Download Mobile Wallpapers

Download our E1R1 wallpapers as a reminder to connect with your family and friends!

Intentional Moments

This sermon series will help you understand God’s heart for people and guide you in engaging someone in a spiritual conversation.


How can you share your story? Watch

How can you be bold without being pushy when you share the Gospel? Watch

What is God’s role in drawing somebody to himself, and what is your role in helping somebody cross the line? Watch

Frequently asked questions about God and Faith that may help you with challenging conversations. Read



Even though I am one, I can reach one.

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