6 Most Googled Questions About Christianity (Part 2)

Speaker: Rhordan Wicks


In this series, we are examining six of the most googled questions about Christianity. Last week, we learned about the purpose of life, and this week we unpack the question, “Does God Exist?”  Looking at four candles, or points of illumination, we discovered that there is compelling evidence for the existence of God:

  1. Logic – The world around us points to the existence of God, through the scientific consensus of a cosmic beginning to the universe, the requirement for something or someone outside of time and space to start creation, the need for it to have been a choice, and the evidence of intelligent design.
  2. Morality – Our instinctive awareness of good and evil must come from a purposeful Creator.
  3. Human Experience – We cannot discount the reality of many who have experienced God.
  4. The Problem of Jesus – as C.S. Lewis said in Mere Christianity, “Either this man was, and is, the Son of God, or else a madman or something worse. You can shut him up for a fool, you can spit at him and kill him as a demon or you can fall at his feet and call him Lord and God”.

If we acknowledge that this evidence leads us to believe that there is a God, then there’s a demand on our lives. Romans 12:1-2 calls us to give everything up to God, as a living sacrifice to Him.


  1. What is the most common objection to the existence of God that you have heard? If you are convinced that God exists, what evidence most helped you come to that conclusion?

  2. Read Psalm 19:1-6, Psalm 53:1-3 and Romans 1:18-21.

  3. How does nature provide evidence of God’s existence?

  4. What caused humanity to reject God’s revelation of Himself and end up in idolatry?

  5. If one accepts the truth that God exists, the next question he would ask is “Who is this God?” God communicates about himself through divine revelation, which includes the events of nature and history, human words that are inspired by God and recorded for us in Scripture, and through the person of Jesus Christ, who is the ultimate image of God. In all of these different ways, God reveals himself as Lord, which speaks about His control, presence, and authority over all things (Exodus 3:14-16).


Rather than proving that God exists, the Bible is more interested in showing that the God of Scripture is the true God. From the first page of the Bible until the last, God’s existence is assumed. “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth” (Genesis 1:1). Scriptures state that His existence is obvious to all. Only those who are fools deny that He exists. The climax to God’s revelation was when He became a man in the person of Jesus Christ.

What we believe about God will define our lives. It is a topic worth our investment of attention and time. We encourage you to dive deeper into some of the arguments for God. Here are a few resources you can look at for further study:


If you are a follower of Christ, is He Lord of your life? Is there anything God is calling you to surrender to Him?  Seek Him through His word, through prayer and worship, and commit to total surrender.


The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands. Day after day they pour forth speech; night after night they display knowledge. There is no speech or language where their voice is not heard. – Psalm 19:1