A Better Investment (Part 3)

Rhordan Wicks


Jesus’ twelve disciples were a ragtag bunch of men, with surprisingly distinct backgrounds: lowly fishermen, despised tax collectors, a dangerous Zionist, among others. Yet because of Jesus’ work in their lives, they were united as a community, individually and collectively transformed, and went out into the world to bring radical transformation.  In this series, we’ve been looking at habits that constitute a better investment of our time. In the first week, we were challenged to spend at least 20 minutes a day in God Time, and in the second week, we were challenged to attend a local church weekly, making Gather Time a priority in our lives. This week, we look at the importance of being involved in Group Time, where we invest in a smaller group to walk together in life and communion with God. For us to be transformed into the people God intends us to be, we need community. 

We need to contribute personally, offering our gifts to the group. We should learn to love genuinely, with transparency, truthfulness and tenderness. We also must remember that our community is purposed to help us live vertically, so we should be eager to grow deeper in our walk with God as we relate to the community. 


  1. Have you ever been involved in a lifegroup (also called small group, cell group, etc)? What was your experience like? Share some of the things you learned by being in that group.
  2. Read Romans 12:1-2.

    Give an example of a situation where you must choose between conforming to the pattern of the world or being transformed.  It can be hypothetical or an example from your life. What are the consequences of conforming? What are the consequences of being transformed?

    According to Paul, how does transformation happen? What role does community play in being transformed? 

  3. Read Romans 12:3-8. In the community, we can contribute personally.

    a. How do verses 1-2 lead to verses 3-8? What is the connection between e.g. being transformed to test and approve of God’s will, and being part of the body of Christ?

    b. What are some of the gifts you see at work in the church?  

    c. What gifts are you using in your group? If you aren’t using your gifts, why not?

  4. Read Romans 12:9-10. In the community, we can love genuinely.

    a. In verse 9, Paul says, “Love must be sincere”. This can be understood as “love must be transparent”. How does a small group allow you to love others transparently? What obstacles might there be to this transparency, and how may they be addressed?

    b. Paul says, “Hate what is evil; cling to what is good”. How does being part of a group allow you to “speak the truth in love”? What does it mean to “speak the truth in love” – who decides what “truth” or “love” entails?

    c. In verse 10, Paul says, “Be devoted to one another in love”.  How have you experienced the tenderness of God’s love through community?

  5. Read Romans 12:11-13.  In the community, we can live vertically.

    a. How is a lifegroup different from a club or other interest group you might join?

    b. How has being in the community helped you to live vertically, with your eyes on God? How, if so, has living vertically helped you in living horizontally – from God (verses 11 and 12) to His people (verse 13)?


This week, our challenge is to be part of a group. If we are not already members of a lifegroup, please contact the church staff, who will actively work to find a place for you in a lifegroup. Alternatively, you can indicate your interest to join a lifegroup here.

Once you join, make the commitment to attend regularly. This will help build a safe environment for true transformation. If you are already a member, take the time to evaluate your participation: are you contributing personally? How are you loving the members of your group? How is being part of the group helping you to live vertically? How are you challenging your fellow group members to live vertically?  


“…so in Christ we, though many, form one body, and each member belongs to all the others.” – Romans 12:5 (NIV)