StewardSHIFT (Part 2)

Rhordan Wicks


In part 1 of this series, we learned that God wants to bless us so that we can be a blessing to others. In Part 2 of this series, we continue to shift our mentality on what we should do with the resources with which God has blessed us.

In today’s world, we are constantly encouraged to develop an owner’s mentality and focus on ourselves and our interests first. This can result in us developing a self-centred attitude where we put our interests ahead of everything else, including God.

As followers of Christ, the Bible teaches that everything belongs to God and He is the owner. We are called to adopt a steward’s mentality as a new way of living to counter pride and the self-centred attitude that an owner’s mindset brings. Practising stewardship is about living in a manner for others and not just for ourselves.


  1. Consider the phrase “take ownership” and explore how applying this concept would impact the way you approach any work you need to do. For example, if you “take ownership” of a project you’ve been given, you are personally invested in its success or failure because you “own” it. Discuss some positive and negative aspects of “taking ownership” in your group.

  2. Read Genesis 1:1, Deuteronomy 10:14 and Psalms 24:1. These verses tell us that God created the heavens and the earth and everything in it. Since He is the creator, therefore God is also the owner.

    a. Discuss how the above verses contradict the world in your group, telling us that we should develop an owner’s mentality in every area of our lives.

    b. Think of a time when you struggled to let something go (finances, family, job, etc.) or give away something to bless others. How might an owner’s mindset have influenced your view? How does considering that all things belong to God and come from God change the way you view these things?

  3. Read Matthew 25:14-18. In this parable, Jesus tells us about a master who entrusted his wealth to 3 servants, giving each servant different amounts. The first two servants immediately went to put to work what was given to them, while the third servant dug a hole and buried the money.

    a. In today’s world, some might consider that the master unfairly gave one servant more than the others. What is your response? How could you consider this differently in light of your role as a steward?

    b. Consider the actions of the first two servants and what they did after receiving the master’s wealth. Discuss with your group some steps to be more like the first two servants in the areas God has entrusted us with. 

  4. Continue reading Matthew 25:19-23. The master returned and settled accounts with the 3 servants. The first two servants were judged as good and faithful and received praise from the master after explaining how they multiplied what was entrusted to them.

    a. After reading the parable, discuss with your group why the Master praised the first 2 servants. What are some attributes of a good and faithful servant?

    b. Consider the areas in your life (family, work, wealth & resources, talents, spiritual gifts) with which God has blessed you. Knowing that we have to be accountable to God eventually, what steps can you take to manage these areas wisely?

    c. The servant who multiplied 2 talents also received the same praise as the servant who multiplied 5 talents. Why did the Master give the same praise to both servants even though 1 servant had a greater return?

    d. Why do you think the Master judged the third servant wicked and lazy? What did his actions reveal about his heart?

  5. Lastly, read Matthew 25:24-27. The servant who received one talent explained that he did not do anything with what he was given as he knew the Master to be a hard man and was afraid of losing what he was given, resulting in the Master calling the servant’s actions wicked and slothful.

    a. Discuss with your group whether the wicked servant understood what the Master expected from the servants. How can we, as servants of God, discern what is on God’s heart to be a good steward?

    b. Were there times in your life when you were afraid that God would ask you to give all that you have to Him, and as a result of that fear, you behaved like the wicked servant and “hid” your talent? How did you overcome those fears?


Today, would we acknowledge that God owns everything and transfer ownership of all we own to God? To go from owner to a good and faithful steward, we should always seek God, discern what is on His heart, and let God direct us on how He wants us to manage all He has entrusted. We should always remember that God wants our hearts and obedience and not our belongings.

The focus should always be on serving God and His kingdom first and not because we expect something in return. When God praises us for being good and faithful servants, the outcome is that we get to enter into His joy eternally.

Take the time to ask yourself the following question: 

  1. How would God want me to manage ________ He has entrusted to me? (the time, the gifts, these kids, money, this job)


“His master replied, ‘Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share your master’s happiness’. – Matthew 25:21