
Dive Deeper

Unstoppable (Part 38)

Tiffany Goh


Previously on Unstoppable – Paul was under arrest at Caesarea. In Caesarea, he is protected from the Jerusalem Jews who are plotting to kill him. The Roman governor Felix staying at Caesarea often sent for Paul and conversed with him. Paul had the opportunity to speak truth to Felix, but two years later, Felix is replaced by another governor named Festus and no progress has been made on Paul’s case.  

Our story continues in Acts 25. When Festus was in Jerusalem, the people who wanted to kill Paul, now tried their luck with this new governor by bringing up the charges again with the hopes that perhaps they could push their agenda.

As part of the Jews’ plan to kill Paul, they requested for Festus to bring Paul from Caesarea back to Jerusalem because they wanted to ambush Paul along the way and kill him just like they planned to two years ago. 

Contrary to their expectations, Festus told the Jews that he was about to return to Caesarea and asked them to gather some of their leading men of authority to go to Caesarea instead and they would hold a trial there. 

Two years on, the outcome of the trials held with Governor Festus and then King Agrippa prove to be futile as the trial results in the same outcome as two years before – there is no proof of the accusations made against Paul.

In a turn of events, Paul used his rights as a Roman citizen and escalated his case to the emperor of Rome, a courageous and bold move that could end either way.


  1. Paul went through a challenging time being accused and then imprisoned based on nothing more than unfounded accusations for an extended period of time.

    a. Have you ever had a situation where you were wronged, such as being blamed for something you did not do? Share with your group.

    b. How did you react/respond?

    c. Compare your reaction to your situation and that of Paul’s. How was it different?

    d. What can you learn from Paul’s response to his situation?

  2. Read 1 Timothy 1:13-14.

    a. Where did Paul’s strength to endure his situation come from?

    b. How has God’s grace transformed your perspective on hardship?

  3. Paul was put in a situation in Acts 23-25, where he was accused without proof and then put under house arrest for 2 years. We get a glimpse of how Paul responded in Ephesians 6:10-20. Similar to Singapore today, Ephesus was a thriving port city. The people there did not seem to have much going wrong for them. They were living comfortable lives, yet Paul cautions them to be ready in season and out of season. Reminding them that our battle is not against flesh and blood but against spiritual forces, so he admonishes them like a soldier ever ready for battle, to put on the full armour of God. Standing firm in your faith requires you to be fully clad in the whole armour of God. Take some time to consider Ephesians 6:10-20.

    a. Why do we want to put on the armour of God?

    b. What does it mean to put on the armour of God? What does it look like for you at work or home? With family or friends? In times of plenty and times of need or difficulty?

  4. Standing firm in your faith requires hard work.

    a. Why did Paul do it? Why did he want to put everything he had on the line? Why did he choose to endure so much?

    b. What might God be calling you to do today? How can you be better equipped to fight today’s battles?


Hard work falls alongside heart work. The motivation to do the hard work of staying in faith and standing in faith has its foundations in the ONE who first fought for us, Jesus. Building our relationship and our heart toward Christ is found in spending time with Him. God keeps our hearts soft and tender towards him and transforms us over time. We spend time with God through worship, reading His Word, and prayer. A soldier is not made in a day but rather one day at a time.

As believers, let’s regularly set aside time for spiritual disciplines of worship, reading the Word, and prayer. Regularly spending time doing these spiritual disciplines is what will help keep our hearts constantly tender towards God, what He did for us on the cross and the amazing grace that we have received. 

Regularly spending time doing these disciplines is also what will equip us and train us to be a good soldier who knows how to put on the full armour of God and how to fight in order to successfully stand firm. 

Remember, standing firm in our faith takes both hard work and work of the heart.


Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might. Put on the whole armour of God, that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. – Ephesians 6:10-11