
God’s people are prayerful people. Draw close to Him as you pray. According to His will, He will answer specifically and miraculously.

Churchwide Prayer Altar

The Prayer Altar is a dedicated time to pray God’s will for the nations every week. As we do so, we believe that God will transform the nations and the people in it.

Watch the sharing
Guide, Dos & Don’ts, Prayer Points
Wed 8pm, Join ZOOM: Churchwide Prayer Altar

Churchwide Prayer Channel

Submit prayer requests here and join the Telegram channel and receive prayer pointers for the needs of our church plants, congregations and ministries.

Churchwide Prayer Room

At such times, the church must arise in prayer even more than before! Join us to pray at the following dates and times.

Date: Every Monday & Thursday
Time: 8pm-11pm
Join ZOOM: Churchwide Prayer Room

Churchwide Missions Prayer

Get updates from our missionaries on the field and stand together in prayer.

Date: Every first Wednesday of the month
Time: 8pm-9pm
Join ZOOM: Churchwide Missions Prayer

Congregational Prayer

Join us to pray at our congregational prayer on the following dates and times.

Date: First Fri of even month
Time: 8pm
Venue: Level 4

日期: 每月最后一个星期天
时间: 下午12点
地点: Level 3

Date: Last Sun of every month
Time: 2pm
Venue: Level 4

How Do I Pray?

Prayer is a simple communication between the Father God and His children. Gain a deeper understanding of the theology of prayer and what it means to pray when you don’t know what to pray!

Biblical Principles Of Engaging With Faith And Perseverance

Praying And Aligning With God’s Prophetic Promises

Guide To Praying In Tongues

The New Testament Model For Spiritual Warfare

The Value Of Using Biblical Prayers And An Example Of Prayer List

New Testament Intercessory Prayer List