This self-facilitation guide is accessible to all. There will be no appointed leaders/facilitators for the time slots. You may use this guide to help facilitate a fruitful time of prayer.
1) Say hello to each other when you enter the room.
2) There are 4 breakout rooms that you can use. You can join one individually to pray alone, or a few people can go to a breakout room to pray together. You can also break into a few groups, and each group can go into one breakout room if that’s what the groups decide to do.
3) Switch on your camera and audio if you are able to. This will help others engage with you in prayer.
4) Boldly unmute yourself and pray. Do not stay in silence for too long or wait for others.
5) You may pray short or long prayers – anything goes! Let everyone have the space and the opportunity to pray.
6) Before you pray, you may wish to share with the group what you would like to pray for. Eg. “I would like to pray for evangelism in FGA.” “I would like to pray for revival in Singapore.” “I would like to pray for divine healing for _________”.
7) You may also ask for prayer but please keep your request and explanation short and sharp.
8) Avoid talking about your day or about a situation for more than 5 minutes. Instead, actively turn them into prayers. Bring the situation to God and ask God to come into the situation at hand. For example, instead of telling the group “My office situation is so very stressful, my boss is bullying and threatening everybody. All of us are thinking of resigning now…” You can say: “I would like to pray about my office situation, please pray with me. Father God, You know how stressful it is with my office environment, our boss is bullying all of us and we are all thinking about resigning. God would you intervene in this situation and turn things around. Help us to be able to talk to our boss about how we feel…”
9) 30 minutes will go by VERY fast! So, stay engaged and stay present!
Praying in the Spirit:
You may choose to pray in tongues together as a group. Unmute yourself during a time of praying in tongues can invite others to join as well. Praying in tongues as a group can soften our hearts to become more sensitive to the things of the Spirit. You can read the resource on Praying in Tongues.
Praying Scriptures:
Praying scripture is a very powerful way to engage in a time of prayer. You can read the resource on The Value of Biblical Prayers.
Worship Time:
You may choose to play a worship song during the time of prayer. You can sing it. You can play Youtube videos.
Please remember to share screen and share sound if you are using Youtube – Someone who has the zoom know-how will have to do this.
You may choose to give thanks to the Lord for what He has done in your life, Singapore, FGA, and the nations.
You may choose to engage in intercession for unsaved family members or those who need healing.
You may choose to declare God’s truth in His Word over particular situations, people or groups, eg. I declare Psalms 91 over those who are ill right now.
A) Covid-19 and monkeypox
– Keep Singapore safe against Covid-19 and monkeypox
– Number of infections will go down.
B) Political Stability:
– God’s favour over Singapore for smooth transition of national leadership.
– Hand pick and guide our new generation of leaders to lead Singapore forward in ways that are pleasing to God.
C) Economy:
– Prosper Singapore in its economy to be able to be a blessing to the work of the Lord.
– Businesses to adopt and adapt in a post-Covid landscape
– New breakthroughs in business initiatives in economic cooperation with countries in the world.
D) Churches:
– Revival in the Singapore Churches that it will be filled with power in the Holy Spirit
– Growth in number of faith-filled believers in this nation
– Strong spirit-filled discipleship
– Believers to boldly stand firm and live in the full counsel of the Word of God in full submission to the Spirit of God, amidst the changing social and cultural norms so that there will be local, regional and global impact of people to become fully devoted followers of Christ.
E) Generations:
– Youths to encounter Jesus in powerful manner and be His ambassadors testifying of Him.
– Older Generation to lead healthy, meaningful and fruitful life even in the age of retirement.
– Working Adults generation to seek God first and Christ be the centre of their lives, amidst the busyness of life
– Fathers and mothers will lead their children well in the ways of the Lord
F) Revival:
– Mighty new move of the Holy Spirit in this land where multitudes are touched by the Spirit of God and become fully devoted followers of Christ.
– Presence of God to invade earth in a powerful manner, signs and wonders to follow believers when they pray and minister to people, this land to be transformed to shine in the Glory of the Lord.
– All believers will boldly give testimony of what God has done in their lives and reach out effectively to their peers with the Gospel
– Many salvations to come from every generation, tribe and tongue through this nation
FGA@Playfair 15 Playfair Road #03-01 Singapore 367987
Office: 6339 1317
WhatsApp: 9146 8517