Tag: Change
God wants to bless us. The reason He blesses us is so that we can be a blessing to others. How can you be a blessing?
The Bible teaches that everything belongs to God. He is the owner. Does it mean that we have nothing?
We are encouraged to put ourselves first. But as God’s people, He honours those who put Him first. Why does God say so?
- Tags answer, believer, bible, Change, christ, christian, church, city, Community, core, cross, daughter, death, eternity, faith, fga, fgasingapore, follower, full gospel assembly, god, gospel, grow, holy, holy spirit, hope, jesus, josefa firmacion, kingdom, life, Love, matters, mature, maturity, meaning, meaningful, message, outreach, pleasing, pray, prayer, purpose, purposeful, rhordan wicks, salvation, sam roberts, save, scripture, sermon, service, singapore, son, sunday, word
God gave us this lifetime as a gift to use in a way that glorifies Him. How do we live a life that matters in the light of eternity?
We explore what God’s word says about how we can live a life of eternal impact.
Your life will matter when you live it the way you were intended. Do you know what you are made for?
- Tags answer, believer, bible, Change, christ, christian, church, city, Community, core, cross, daughter, death, eternity, faith, fga, fgasingapore, follower, full gospel assembly, god, gospel, grow, holy, holy spirit, hope, jesus, josefa firmacion, kingdom, life, Love, matters, mature, maturity, meaning, meaningful, message, outreach, pleasing, pray, prayer, purpose, purposeful, rhordan wicks, salvation, sam roberts, save, scripture, sermon, service, singapore, son, sunday, word
6 Most Googled Questions About Christianity
- Post author By Faith Lim
- Post date April 19, 2023
Uncover answers to the most googled questions about Christianity with Pastor Rhordan.
There are three ways to discern the existence of God – logic, morality and experience, all of these are found in the reality of Jesus.
There is evil in the world, we have no doubt. If God is good, why doesn’t He do something about it?
Are all religions the same? Can all religions be equally true?
Some say that he was a holy man. Some say that he was a great teacher. Who do you say He is?
Can we trust the bible? Can you put your trust in the bible and base your life on it?
- Tags ambition, answer, believer, bible, Change, christ, christian, church, city, Community, core, cross, daughter, death, directions, drive, faith, fga, fgasingapore, follower, full gospel assembly, goal, god, gospel, grow, holy, holy spirit, hope, impetus, intention, jesus, kingdom, life, Love, mature, maturity, meaning, message, motivation, objective, outreach, pray, prayer, purpose, push, reason, resolution, resolve, salvation, save, scripture, sermon, service, singapore, son, sunday, word
Jesus came to give life. Person by person, day by day, it starts with how He values people over social norms.
As Jesus and the Samaritan woman talked, she asked blunt, pointed questions to Him. How did Jesus engage her in a spiritual conversation?
What caused the Samaritan woman to return to the same community that had rejected her, to share what she saw, heard and experienced?
- Tags answer, barrier, believer, bible, breakthrough, broken, Change, christ, christian, church, city, Community, core, cross, daughter, death, devotion, faith, fga, fgasingapore, follower, full gospel assembly, god, gospel, grow, holy, holy spirit, hope, jesus, jews, john, kingdom, life, Love, mature, maturity, meet, message, need, outreach, past, paul, practice, pray, prayer, present, purpose, salvation, samaritan, save, scripture, sermon, service, singapore, son, sunday, transformation, water, word
Paul presents the gift of God in Christ and the immeasurable love we receive. Do our lives reflect that reality?
From time to time, changes may cause us to have an identity crisis. However, Paul emphasises what our identity should be.
God’s purpose is to bring unity to all things in heaven and on earth under Christ. How does church unity bear witness to the world?
True victory is when our rootedness and fruitfulness come from the Holy Spirit. How does this happen?
Paul prays for the saints to have the spirit of wisdom and revelation to know more of God. Do we desire the same for our community?
The power of God in us gives us the ability to live and love like Jesus. Do you know that His power is coursing through you?
While salvation is an eternal gift, repentance and reconciliation are not a one-time thing. Come back to God’s love every time you wander far from him.
Even when we see ourselves as broken vessels, God sees a masterpiece in us and He will continue working in us until its completion.
Have you ever tried to solve a Rubik’s Cube? Sometimes life looks like a big mess—but God is always working, and He will make things right in the end.
“Do unto others what you would have others do unto you”. The truth behind this universal moral code comes from knowing that God has already given you the capacity to love.
Through the teaching provided by the people of God, we understand that we are called to be set apart. Learn further to comprehend our new unity as Christians!
Every time believers in Christ walk in love and unity as one family, we demonstrate to all that we are His children, Satan is defeated, and God is victorious!
As we recall Christ’s first arrival to the world, we also look ahead to His return to rule and reign on earth. What would it look like?
Paul lays out a vision of how each church member should function so that together, the body can unite in a way that pleases God’s heart.
God has given us gifts so that we as one church may achieve the unity of what we are called to in Ephesians 4:4-6.
What are the specific and practical examples Paul raised to the Gentile saints so they can live in a manner worthy of their new life?
God is interested in relationships. But it is only by His power we can experience the relationships God wants us to have.
Paul exhorts all believers to imitate God and follow God’s example in all that we do. How do we imitate God?
The church was called to be more than a gathering. It was called to shine.
Paul exhorts believers to be very careful in how they live their lives – not as fools but as wise. How are you walking?
Because of Christ, our relationships are reframed. Paul calls us to reflect Christ in all our relationships.
What is the profound mystery Paul was speaking of in Ephesians 5?
As we learn to have right relationships with each other, we will be able to build a strong and godly community within the society.
Ephesians 6 reveals a new perspective about working heartily for God.
Spiritual warfare is about God’s people joining their Lord in his warfare.
- Tags answer, believer, bible, Change, christ, christian, church, city, Community, core, cross, daughter, death, devotion, ephesians, ephesus, epistle, everything, faith, fga, fgasingapore, follower, full gospel assembly, god, gospel, grow, holy, holy spirit, hope, jesus, kingdom, life, Love, mature, maturity, message, paul, practice, pray, prayer, purpose, resurrection, salvation, scripture, sermon, service, singapore, son, sunday, transformation, word
Words like “faith” is often used without a real understanding of what it means. What exactly is biblical faith how we can live it out?
Love is doing what is good for the sake of someone else. How does this definition of love measure against your understanding of love?
How do we tell others about the Christian reality, with our broken selves and in this broken world?
In this life, each one of us is given the same amount of time a day. What you invest the time in changes the trajectory of your life.
As important as the practice of spending time with God is the act of gathering together as a people of God.
God commands a blessing when we gather as His church, but it’s in small groups that we get to be a blessing to each other!
The lens with which we see the world shapes us, and the right information, applied regularly, can lead to our spiritual growth and maturity.
In the world, you need to be qualified in order to be chosen. But God chooses us first and then qualifies us for the work.
Disrupted But
- Post author By Faith Lim
- Post date November 19, 2020
- No Comments on Disrupted But
This series takes us through the book of Haggai. Glean from the words of the prophet and hear what God is saying to us today.
With everything going on, it’s easy to feel distracted, discouraged or even despair. But God is reminding us that He is still sovereign.
Haggai gives a warning to the people, do they heed it or continue to go through the motion that they are familiar with?
In hindsight, Zerubbabel’s obedience led to the fulfilment of the Messiah. How did he trust God amidst his challenges?
- Tags Change, Disruption, Transition