
Dive Deeper

Unstoppable (Part 24)

Dalton Sim


Adjective – a word that describes the qualities, attributes or characteristics of something else. We tend to prefer certain adjectives of God over others: ‘loving’ over ‘just’; ‘omnipotent’ over ‘omnipresent’, perhaps. 

This week, we examine one of the more difficult adjectives of God: ‘unpredictable’. We do so through the obstacles placed on Paul and his companions in his ministry, as described in Acts 16. Note that these obstacles were placed by the Holy Spirit, who actually forbade Paul to do something we normally think of as good – preaching God’s Word to those who need it. 

Through the experience described, we learn a number of things. Firstly, we learn that we won’t know when on our journey God will decide to reveal important information. Secondly, we learn that we won’t know how God will decide to communicate that information. We need guidance from the Holy Spirit when faced with seemingly good options. Thirdly, we won’t know what God wants us to do between all the good options we have.

So, how should we react to our unknowing? May we remind ourselves of what we do know: who God is – loving, just, all-powerful, ever-present, etc. The other adjectives of God. And then act in constant communication with Him, not only in big steps but also in small ones. In his mercy, He might reveal to us our path in the end.


  1. Have you ever been confused by God’s direction in your life? Have you ever been disappointed by Him?

  2. Read Acts 16:6-10.

    a. We read that God forbade Paul and his companions from going to Asia twice (v6-7). 

    i. What does this indicate about their relationship with God?

    ii. Do you have the same relationship with God? How would you know if He was forbidding you from doing something, or calling you to do something?

    b. Paul was guided by hindrance. The Holy Spirit often guides as much by the closing of doors as He does by the opening of doors.

    i. What door(s) has God closed in your life? How have you reacted?

    ii. What is your next step of obedience? Is God bringing something to your mind?

    c. Note that Paul and his companions did not set out to go to Troas at first. It was the Triune God’s plan to lead them there [NB: ‘the Holy Spirit’ (v6), ‘the Spirit of Jesus’ (v7), ‘God’ (v10)]. This was to be a 400-mile journey by foot. Still, they obeyed.

    i. How many times did Paul and his companions obey God in Acts 16:6-10? Was it difficult for them to obey each time? Why did they obey?

    ii. How, if so, would little steps of obedience help us in our walk with God? What can we do, as individuals or as a group, to help us obey?

  3. Read Hebrews 11:13-16.

    a. From the passage, what else might guide us as we relate to an unpredictable God? How might it/they shape our obedience today?


Are you listening to the still, small voice of God as He leads you?

Are you obeying Him each small step of the way? Or neglecting these steps while waiting for your big assignment?

Examine your heart, as you pray this week.


“And whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.” Colossians 3:17 (NIV)