
Dive Deeper

Unstoppable (Part 1)

Rhordan Wicks


“What is my purpose?” 

This is the million-dollar question for many people. They want to figure out the will of God for their lives, but they have not stopped to ask what God’s purpose is in the world. 

In this series, we dive into the book of Acts – a fast-paced, action-adventure book which chronicles the birth and growth of the early church from the Jewish centre of Jerusalem to the Gentile capital Rome. In addition, it serves as a bridge-like sequel to the Gospels that precede it and background for the Epistles (letters of the apostles) that follow. 

As we journey through Acts, we will discover that Jesus is the primary character of the book and the focus of all its events. We will learn to see the church as Jesus’ vehicle to continue His work in the world. Will you be part of His kingdom’s establishment? Perhaps this is the grandest purpose you can give your life to.


Ice-breaker – Pick one set of questions below to share with your LifeGroup. 

a. What counts as meaningful work for you? When did you first discover its meaning?

b. Given the chance to live the life of another person, who would you choose and why?

Read Acts 1:1-11 (See appendix for an introduction to Acts)

  1. Acts 1:1 addresses “Theophilus” and references a previous book, the Gospel of Luke. Here in the first verse of Acts the work and teachings of Jesus are centre stage.

    a. Why do you think that is? Why do you think that might be important to what Luke is going to say?

  2. The primary task of the people of God is to bear witness to his great deeds. For the first disciples, they were charged to bear witness to the risen Christ, whom they had seen with their eyes (see also, 1 John 1:1-3, Isaiah 43:1, 10; Isaiah 49:6).

    a. What does being an effective witness look like to you? What kind of problems/obstacles have you ran into when you were witnessing? How did you respond?

  3. The disciples asked Jesus if the restoration of “the kingdom to Israel” would occur “at this time” (Acts 1:6).

    a. What was Jesus’ response in verse 7? How might this affect our reception of end-time prophecy in the present day?

    b. Instead, from verse 8, what two things did Jesus say His disciples will do? 

    c. What are some of your major priorities today? Are they aligned with the mission of God’s kingdom?

    d. In your view, what are some of ways we can be carriers of God’s kingdom? 

    e. Where is(are) the ‘place(s)’ that you can begin sowing seeds of God’s kingdom? Where is your ‘Jerusalem, Judea and Samaria? 


We talk about finding God’s will. But it’s not really that difficult. God is doing something on earth, and he has told us about it very clearly in Scripture. Our understanding of our life purpose has to begin with His. Here’s an invitation to you to join in what God is doing and permeate this world with His world.


I will not venture to speak of anything except what Christ has accomplished through me in leading the Gentiles to obey God by what I have said and done— by the power of signs and wonders, through the power of the Spirit of God. So from Jerusalem all the way around to Illyricum, I have fully proclaimed the gospel of Christ.” – Romans 15:18-19
