
Dive Deeper

Unstoppable (Part 3)

Woon Hin Swee


Despite the difficulties faced by the disciples when expanding God’s kingdom, one of the key reasons why the early church was unstoppable was the presence of the Holy Spirit.

In part three of the Unstoppable series, we dive deeper into the outpouring of the Holy Spirit after Christ’s ascension, and the roles that the Holy Spirit plays in kingdom expansion.


  1. Who is the Holy Spirit to you? How has He been present in your life? 

  2. Read Acts 2:1-13.

    On Pentecost, ten days after Jesus’ ascension to heaven, the Holy Spirit was poured out onto the disciples. As Christians, we also have access to the power of the Holy Spirit.

    a. In Acts 2:1-13, we witness the miraculous demonstration of the power of the Holy Spirit. What observations can you make about the disciples’ encounter with the Holy Spirit? 

    b. Do the observations you have encourage you, raise questions for you or confuse you? 

    c. How did Peter respond (verse 14-36) to those who sought an explanation for what took place?  

  3. Consider the following texts, Ezekiel 36:26-27, Joel 2:28-32, John 14:15-18, and Acts 1:5-8. What are the promises made concerning the Holy Spirit? What are the implications of these promises?

  4. Read Acts 1:8.

    a. Have you shared the good news with anyone before? If so, what motivated you to do so? If not, what stopped you from doing so?

    b. Why might the Holy Spirit be essential for us as we share the good news? How do we allow Him to assist us? 

    c. For those who have received the gift of tongues, how has it impacted you spiritually and equipped you to be a more effective witness? Share any personal stories you may have of a time when praying in the Spirit was of great spiritual benefit to you.


We all have a part to play in the expansion of God’s kingdom. However, we are not meant to fulfil our destinies alone. Seek to own the power of the Holy Spirit that is already in you so that you might receive the revelation of your new life in Christ and also the anointing by the Holy Spirit to bless others with the knowledge of this new life.


“And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Helper, to be with you forever, even the Spirit of truth, whom the world cannot receive, because it neither sees him nor knows him. You know him, for he dwells with you and will be in you.” – John 14:16-17