
Dive Deeper

Unstoppable (Part 8)

Dalton Sim


What contributes to the success of an organisation?

As we continue in Acts 4, we are given a peek into the workings of a peculiar organisation – that is, the early church. Here, we scrutinise its success strategy, and understand its secret to thriving. 

Perhaps we would do well to keep in mind the following question: Could organisations around the world apply the same strategy, or is this strategy uniquely tailored for the church of God?


  1. Think of a successful company or organisation that you know. What makes it so successful? Share this with your LifeGroup.

  2. Read Acts 4:32-34a, which describes the early church.

    a. What are the positive traits of the early church that are listed here? Which is/are most attractive to you?

    b. Do you see this within our church, or other churches today? Why or why not?

  3. Read Acts 4:34-36. Observe the behaviour of the people of the early church.

    a. How is their behaviour similar or different from the way we regard our possessions today?

    b. Why did the people regard their possessions as such? (Look at Acts 4:32)

    c. How does this challenge or encourage you about the way you regard your possessions?

  4. Glance through Acts 5:1-11.

    a. In what way(s) does this passage relate to what we have read in Acts 4?

    b. What does it tell us about how God sees the workings of His church?

  5. We all have a number of assets in our lives (time, money, job, marriage, children, ministry, skills, etc). Consider what you currently have in yours, and reflect:

    a. How did you manage to receive these assets? Were they hard to earn or attain?

    b. What would happen if they were taken away from you? How would you feel, and would your emotions be justified?

    c. How are you currently using them? Is it in accordance with the will of God, or your own will? How do you differentiate the two?


Members of the early church were able to part with their possessions and have them shared freely, because they were aware that all that was in their hands was not their own, but rather, given to them to be stewarded and managed.

As a result, the church moved in a powerful way. They did not simply move powerfully with their belief in Jesus, but with their understanding of co-labouring with God through stewardship of their assets.

God gives us gifts and assets to steward in our lives. They are not limited to money, possessions and property, but also include:

• Time
• Career
• Marriage
• Children
• Skills and talents

Ultimately, these do not belong to us, but have been entrusted to us by the Owner, and we will have to one day give account of how we have used them during our lifetime. (Matthew 25:14-30)

Today, would you reflect…

  1. If you had to give a stewardship report tomorrow to the Owner of the assets in your life, would you find that difficult?
  2. If you are unaware of what you were meant to do with your assets, would you ask God to show you today? Pray, “Speak, Lord, for your servant is listening.” (1 Samuel 3:9-10)


“Bring all the tithes into the storehouse,
That there may be food in My house,
And try Me now in this,”
Says the Lord of hosts,
“If I will not open for you the windows of heaven
And pour out for you such blessing
That there will not be room enough to receive it.” – Malachi 3:10 (NKJV)